Consultations on the improvement of the road traffic safety management system at the enterprise in accordance with the best international standards and practices

Defensive driving training

International practices
It has been proven that the risks of road traffic accidents sometimes exceed occupational risks in terms of the number of deaths and injuries.
Only a comprehensive and systematic approach makes it possible to achieve a sustained reduction in accidents involving company vehicles and protect the business from such serious losses as death and injury to employees and third parties, loss of working hours, damage to cargo, non-observance of working hours, increased insurance premiums, legal costs and damage to image and reputation.

The training centre of Active Safety LLC conducts defensive driving training for drivers and their managers to reduce road accidents in companies and save lives.
Since 2001, we have trained and tested drivers of cars, trucks, buses, tank trucks, haul trucks.
Over a year, more than 22 thousand people are trained in Russia and Kazakhstan. We have more than 40 trainers work with us in 23 cities of Russia and 20 trainers in 7 cities of Kazakhstan.
About the training center